2022 Election Results

Nov. 8 General Election — Rochester area races

Updated 11/9 at 2 p.m.


✔️ Kim Norton … 26,809 … 58%

Britt Noser … 19,314 … 42%

80 of 80 precincts reporting

Rochester City Council

Ward 1

✔️ Patrick Keane … 5,616 … 70%

Andy Hemenway … 2,367 … 30%

14 of 14 precincts reporting

Ward 3

Vangie Castro … 2,460 … 37%

✔️ Norman Wahl … 4,241 … 63%

13 of 13 precincts reporting

Ward 5

Saida Omar … 2,174 … 27%

✔️ Shaun Palmer … 5,791 … 73%

14 of 14 precincts reporting

Rochester School Board

Position 2

✔️ Justin Cook … 29,133 … 62 %

Rae Parker … 17,597 … 38%

102 of 102 precincts reporting

Position 4

John Whelan … 18,134 … 38%

✔️ Julie Workman … 29,087 … 61%

102 of 102 precincts reporting

Position 5

✔️ Jean Marvin … 27,175 … 57%

Kim Rishavy … 20,231 … 43%

102 of 102 precincts reporting

Position 6

✔️ Cathy Nathan … 28,914 … 62%

Elena Niehoff … 17,953 … 38%

102 of 102 precincts reporting

Olmsted County Attorney

Karen MacLaughlin … 22,108 .. 39%

✔️ Mark Ostrem … 34,572 … 61%

110 of 110 precincts reporting

Minnesota Senate

District 24

Aleta Borrud (DFL) … 15,530 … 43%

✔️ Carla Nelson (R) … 20,991 … 57%

62 of 62 precincts reporting

District 25

✔️ Liz Boldon (DFL) … 19,673 … 58%

Ken Navitsky (R) … 13,251 … 39%

56 of 56 precincts reporting

MN House

District 24A

Keith McLain (DFL) … 6,760 … 36%

✔️ Duane Quam (R) … 12,016 … 64%

33 of 33 precincts reporting

District 24B

Katrina Pulham (R) … 7,660 … 44%

✔️ Tina Liebling (DFL) … 9,922 … 56%

29 of 29 precincts reporting

District 25A

✔️ Kim Hicks (DFL) … 9,797 … 55%

Wendy Phillips (R) … 7,938 … 45%

28 of 28 precincts reporting

District 25B

John Robinson (R) … 5,634 … 36%

✔️ Andy Smith (DFL) … 10,040 … 64%

28 of 28 precincts reporting

Olmsted County Board

District 1

✔️ Laurel Podulke-Smith … 4,450 … 68%

Loring Stead … 2,126 … 32%

16 of 16 precincts reporting

District 2

Gabe Perkins … 2,726 … 42%

✔️ Dave Senjem … 3,753 … 58%

15 of 15 precincts reporting

District 3

Karl Johnson … 2,319 … 34%

✔️ Gregg Wright … 4,571 … 66%

17 of 17 precincts reporting

District 4

✔️ Brian Mueller … 5,365 … 58%

Kindra Ramaker … 3,844 … 42%

20 of 20 precincts reporting

District 5

Catherine Davis … 3,178 … 43%

✔️ Michelle Rossman … 4,119 … 56%

13 of 13 precincts reporting