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Est. 2014

RPS to close March 18 to April 6; Mayo Clinic announces visitor restrictions

RPS to close March 18 to April 6; Mayo Clinic announces visitor restrictions

Rochester Public Schools says it will be closing schools from Wednesday, March 18 until Monday, April 6 to address ongoing concerns over the coronavirus outbreak.

The announcement, sent to parents Sunday afternoon, followed a news conference earlier in the day in which Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz authorized an executive order that will close schools through March 27.

RPS had already scheduled spring break for March 30-April 3, meaning students and staff would already be out of class.

In line with the governor’s recommendations, students will continue to report to class as normal on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

However, according to RPS, “families may opt to keep their students at home and this will be considered an excused absence.”

The district said it expects to continue instruction, either in-person or remotely, by April 6, depending on guidance from the governor.


RPS Superintendent Michael Muñoz stated Sunday at a news conference that if the governor’s order extends past the district’s spring break, “we will find some type of distant learning to provide education to our students.”

From March 18-27, RPS said limited care will be available for children of healthcare or emergency workers. More information on those plans will be released by Tuesday, the district said.

The governor’s decision to close schools comes amid an uptick in the number of cases of COVID-19 in Minnesota.Walz said Sunday that the number of confirmed cases now stands at 35, up from 21 yesterday.

“As a former teacher, and father of two teenage kids, I’m especially focused on the safety of our children,” said Walz. “I am ordering the temporary closure of schools so educators can make plans to provide a safe learning environment for all Minnesota students during this pandemic.”

Here in Olmsted County, there have been two confirmed cases — though it is important to note there is still no evidence at this point of local transmission. (According to Olmsted County Public Health, this latest individual who tested positive of the novel coronavirus "has a known history of travel to a high-risk area and did not require hospitalization. The individual is isolating at home and recovering.")

However, state health experts reiterated Sunday that it remains “a matter when, not if, we will have community spread.”

Mayo implements visitor restrictions

Mayo Clinic has begun limiting the number of visitors on its campuses amid heightened concerns over the spread of COVID-19.

At the Rochester campus, up to two visitors per patient at a time will be allowed, and visitors will be asked to limit the number of visits. Visitors will be screened for respiratory illness.

(A Clinic spokesperson emphasized that it doesn’t have to be the same two people — it can be different people. Just only two at the same time.)

“These restrictions may be difficult for patients and their loved ones, but Mayo is taking these necessary steps to protect patients and staff,” The Clinic said a news release. “Limiting the number of visitors is temporary and is being done to safeguard the health of all who come to Mayo Clinic.”

Below are the policies for other Mayo sites, via the Mayo Clinic News Network:

Arizona: Up to two visitors at a time will be allowed, and visitors will be asked to limit the number of visits. Visitors will be screened for respiratory illness. Children under age 13 will be allowed on campus only if they are actively receiving care.

Florida. Effectively immediately, to ensure the safety of hospital patients, no visitors will be allowed for patients at Mayo Clinic Hospital. Florida’s Healthcare Incident Command System will consider exceptions to this policy on a case-by-case basis.

Mayo Clinic Health System:

  • Northwest Wisconsin: Only one visitor at a time will be allowed. Visitors are being asked to limit the number of visits.

  • Southwest Wisconsin: Effective March 15, 2020, patients will be restricted to one visitor per person. Exceptions to this include two visitors for end-of-life patients, pediatric patients and patients who have language barriers. This policy will remain in place until further notice.

  • Southeast Minnesota: Not limiting visitors at this time, but this may change.

  • Southwest Minnesota: Effective March 17, 2020, patients will be restricted to one visitor per person at hospitals and clinics. There will be exceptions for end-of-life patients, pediatric patients and patients who need language services.

Meantime, Olmsted Medical Center has implemented restrictions of its own. The hospital system said Sunday that “hospital visits are temporarily restricted except in extreme circumstances.” OMC said exceptions will be made by hospital staff on a case-by-case basis.

Sean Baker is a Rochester journalist and the founder of Med City Beat.

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