School board signs off on purchase of 3,000 replacement iPads
The Rochester School Board on Tuesday approved the purchase of about 3,000 replacement iPads for the district's 1-to-1 technology program.
The iPad Air 2s will cost $1.2 million. The district said it received a special discount of $175 per tablet from Apple, the device's manufacturer.
Most of the tablets will replace devices purchased six years ago. According to the district, the longevity of each iPad is typically four years.
About 7,000 students, more than 40 percent of the district's enrollment, use tablets for schoolwork. The district had planned to expand the program district-wide by 2017-18, but was forced to slow down due to budget constraints.
The board also discussed a possible expansion of the district's 45/15 calendar. Follow the P-B's Taylor Nachtigal on Twitter for updates.
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(Cover photo: File / Sean MacEntee / CC)