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Trump: Administration will work with Mayo, others on veterans health care

Trump: Administration will work with Mayo, others on veterans health care

President-elect Donald Trump indicated Mayo Clinic may align itself with his administration on veterans health initiatives. 

Trump made the comments Wednesday morning during the opening remarks to a press conference, his first as president-elect. Trump met with Mayo Clinic CEO John Noseworthy and other key health leaders in Florida last month


In announcing his pick for head secretary of the Veterans Administration, Dr. David Shulkin, Trump said he plans to be make changes to the VA system by working with top U.S. health care institutions. 

"... We have some of the great hospitals of the world [that are] going to align themselves with us on the Veterans Administration," said Trump, "like the Cleveland Clinic, like the Mayo Clinic, a few more than we have. And we’re gonna set up a — a group."

Trump did not provide details about the collaboration. However, he said "our veterans have been treated horribly" and he will work to "straighten out the VA for our veterans."


Following Trump's news conference, Mayo Clinic issued the following statement: 

"Consistent with Mayo Clinic's historic commitment of service to the U.S. government and the U.S. military that goes back to the very origins of Mayo Clinic, it will share its expertise with the incoming Veterans Health Administration leadership and provide support on other relevant health care issues."

You can see a full transcript of Trump's press conference here (NY Times).

Walz on Trump's VA pick

Following Trump's announcement of Dr. Shulkin as VA secretary, Minnesota Congressman Tim Walz (D-1st District), now the ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Veterans' Affairs, issued a statement in support of the nomination:

“I congratulate Dr. Shulkin on his nomination," said Walz. "I know him to be a fierce and talented advocate on behalf of veterans. I’m confident he will be a true partner in ensuring the VA upholds our nation’s promise to those who have served and sacrificed.

"I commend the President-elect for his choice and hope he and his administration will listen to the voices of veterans, veteran service organizations, and those of us dedicated to advocating on their behalf.”

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